The Naked Theatre Project
What the hell is it?
Well, like all good things... it's simple to think about, fun to imagine and impossible to put into words. But we'll try.
In a world polluted with text it has become more and more difficult to listen, feel and understand without having to analyze and interpret. The Naked Theatre Project was born thanks to overburdened actors slogging through overwritten plays and underwritten characters wanting to express simple ideas and get to the complex emotions at the soul of this great art. So… we got rid of it.
The plays curated under the Naked Theatre Project umbrella limit or remove text to reveal character and emotion and connect audiences to the truth of expression. We strip the actors and expose them, like a nerve, out in the open and the audience is better for it.
See, it's simple to think about, fun to imagine and impossible to put into words.
Is less more? We don't know... but it sure is fun!
Fun for the actors, fun for the audience and fun for the playwrights.
NTP Productions
SONATA - 2015